Aaron Perri's Personal Fundraising Page
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Help Aaron Perri become the Greatest Big Kid in town!

Fundraising Amount=$11,475.79 ; Goal=$10,000.00
Donate Now

Please join me in supporting Boys & Girls Club
and help me become the Greatest Big Kid in town!
See my story below...

40 vote for a Great Big Kid =
Year membership for a child at Boys & Girls Club. 
Vote above by using "Click here to donate".

Want to join in the fun? 
Click here for tickets.
The Greatest Big Kid will be announced at the
Youth of the Year Dinner.
Friday, April 15, 2011 at 6:00 pm
Gillespie Conference Center

For sponsorship details please contact
Event manager 
Ashley Farrell or call 574-855-5852.

What is a Great Big Kid?





My Great Big Kid story...

Aaron Perri's Story

I have had the privilege of partnering with numerous non-profit organizations across this community.  The thing I like the most about supporting programs like the Boys and Girls Club is the opportunity to directly impact a future generation.  To make a difference in a young person’s life is like nothing else I have ever experienced.  I have seen lives filled with animosity, apathy and hopelessness transform into lives of ambition, esteem, and success.  I firmly believe that most, if not all, of the problems we face in our community can be solved in one generation’s time if we each seized the opportunity to whole-heartedly educate, train, and share experiences with the youth around us.  This is not just about formal education, it’s about life-skills, manners, and social responsibility.  It’s about encouragement, ingenuity, and exposure to new thoughts and ideas.  It is about instilling a passion for our community, love, faith, and service.  It’s about creating the world we want to see.  We cannot count on teachers, parents, churches or programs alone – it is our collective responsibility. 

Anyhow...to the left is a picture of myself and Aubrei...better known as Brei.  She is in 8th grade and super involved at her school with sports and other activities.  I look forward to sharing stories about her and our time together over the next few months.

Update:  Brei came to Legends yesterday where we got to work on making a video that I plan on sharing with everyone VERY soon.  You're going to love what we put together.  Also, we talked about her Youth of the Year speech and did a little tour of my work...I think she was impressed with the place.  I can tell you, I am impressed with her.  As we're having conversations, sometimes I have to remind myself that Brei is only 13...she is very insightful and bright.

Check out the video we made here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiigF6P7cjk

Donors and Comments

Barbara & Stephen Fredman  gave $80.00 4/15/2011
"Thanks Aaron for being such a GREAT BIG KID and caring!"
Anonymous  gave $150.00 4/15/2011
"Congrats. You're the first big kid in town!"
Anonymous  gave  4/15/2011
"Go Aaron!"
Anonymous  gave $50.00 4/15/2011
"Aaron, Good luck! This is such a great cause, and I wish you only the best!! You are the greatest big kid! -- Ramon and Kendall Ymalay"
Kevin Perri  gave $200.00 4/15/2011
"Good luck bro!"
Timothy Stonelake  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Solid work, man. Sorry to cut it so close to the deadline, but us grad students have to balance the checkbook first."
Alicia Elliott  gave $10.00 4/15/2011
"Good Luck Aaron! --Lish Elliott"
Julia Sama  gave  4/15/2011
"Go Aaron! Very inspiring!"
Anonymous  gave $10.79 4/15/2011
"Go Aaron Perri and Brei! "
Amanda King  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Aaron you are one of the most generous people I know! I hope you hit your goal! Best of luck in the final stretch! Amanda"
joe Spagnolo  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"GO IRISH......"
nickolas limberopoulos  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Good Luck Bro!"
Bert Kriegh  gave  4/15/2011
"Aaron, Love your great attitude and energy. Thankis for supporting the kids!!"
Jennifer L Benjamin  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Good Luck Aaron! This is a great cause!"
Holly Hoffman  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Great job and Good luck!!!"
Michael Roesch  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Keep on pumpin', Uncle A-Ron!"
Gina Vollmer  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Impressive Aaron! My donation is on behalf of my goddaughter Dewi Vollmer! "
Michael Baxter  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
Maureen M Miller  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Go Aaron! You are the GREATEST BIG KID EVER!!!"
Cheryl L Heck  gave $40.00 4/14/2011
"Way to go Aaron! Thanks for all you do for the kids of South Bend!!!! Your friends, Jeff and Cheryl Heck"
William J Lammers  gave $40.00 4/14/2011
"Good luck "Greatest Big Kid" Aaron!"
Teresa Homan  gave $80.00 4/14/2011
"OK---now you just HAVE to triumph! You are a wonderful human being, Aaron, and I'm happy to support you, and your noble cause. Terri"
Karen Prince-Harris  gave  4/14/2011
"Best wishes to you!"
Anonymous  gave $40.00 4/14/2011
"We support YOU Parrot!"
anthony willemin  gave $40.00 4/14/2011
"do good work aaron."
Lisa A Lipscomb-Jones  gave $40.00 4/14/2011
"Much success to you in this endeavor Aaron! "
Patrick Wargo  gave $120.00 4/14/2011
"Good luck"
Shannan Szuba  gave  4/14/2011
"GOOD LUCK AARON AND BRE !!! Aaron, you have worked wonders raising money, but don't let that fool them B/C you are definitely a BIG KID!!!!!!!!!"
Justine Wood  pledged to give  4/14/2011
JOHN BERLIN  gave  4/14/2011
"Home stretch, good luck. J.P."
Matt Bodnar  gave $40.00 4/14/2011
"Nice Job Aaron. Don't ever grow up."
Mike Kowatch  gave $40.00 4/14/2011
"AARON ...Great JOB...You da man..."
John Beven  gave $80.00 4/13/2011
"Aaron, I know more than anyone that the service provided by the Boys & Girls Clubs do in fact work. I loved being a part of that movement, and I loved the kids that I served on a daily basis. Despite my situation, I know this money is going to a good cause. Thanks for doing what you're doing. Our community needs more people like you. This donation is for all 155 plus kids at the Emmons Elementary School Boys & Girls Club! Beven "
Sarah Marie Lewis  gave $40.00 4/13/2011
"Good Luck Aaron! "
Maribeth Roncz  gave $80.00 4/13/2011
"Very cool Aaron! I hope you reach the $10,000 goal! Maribeth Roncz"
Troy Linder  gave $40.00 4/13/2011
"Great job with the video...best of luck reaching your goal!"
Jason Scarcelli  gave  4/13/2011
"Way to go, Aaron! Awsome work!"
Douglas E Schlagel  gave $200.00 4/13/2011
"Aaron; Best wishes and blessings to you for caring so much about the Boys & Girls Club."
Jennifer Monahan  gave  4/13/2011
"Good luck, Aaron!"
Billy Ponko  gave $80.00 4/13/2011
"Go Brie and Aaron, Go!"
Sean Conley  gave $80.00 4/12/2011
"Another overwhelming success, well done Uncle! - Sean, Kristin & Padraig"
Nick Marucci  gave $40.00 4/12/2011
Anonymous  gave  4/12/2011
"The Boys & Girls Club is lucky to have you on their team!"
Richard L Fawcett Jr  gave  4/12/2011
"Good luck Unkie!"
Robert Szabo  gave $120.00 4/12/2011
"Great Work Aaron.You are South Bend's Greatest Big Kid and an inspiration to all of us who want to be as well."
Erin Byrne  gave $40.00 4/12/2011
"Happy to support you as the biggest kid in town! -Byrne :)"
Pete Berlin  gave $40.00 4/12/2011
"Good luck Aaron! For sure the greatest big kid I know!"
Mallory Borrelli  gave $50.00 4/12/2011
""Uncle" Aaron is so great, I voted for him twice!! Thanks for the hospitality over the past few years. :)"
Jacqueline & Adam Kronk  gave $80.00 4/11/2011
"Best of luck Aaron. We're so lucky to have you in our community! "
Katherine Reighter  gave $40.00 4/11/2011
"Since we didn't have cash on us on Friday, we wanted to make sure you received a donation. Best of luck to you Aaron! By the way...loved, loved, loved the video. Great job! Sincerely, Katie & Patrick Reighter"
Steve & Kathleen D'Avria  gave $40.00 4/10/2011
"Good luck ATP. This is for setting me up with my wife . . ."
Kelly Strom  gave  4/10/2011
"Good luck Aaron! You are the greatest big kid I know!!:)"
Robert Emmett Upton III  gave $50.00 4/10/2011
"Aaron..hope you hit your goal..Bob"
Anonymous  gave  4/10/2011
"Great job Aaron!"
Tambre Paster  gave $40.00 4/10/2011
"The spaghetti on the head is what sold it for me! Thanks for all you do in your community, and good luck! GO IRISH!"
Danny Lewandowski  pledged to give  4/9/2011
Rudy Reyes Jr.  gave  4/8/2011
"Congratulations, Aaron. Good luck!"
scott shepherd  gave $40.00 4/8/2011
"Great cause, Aaron. Good luck!"
Elizabeth Willkom  gave $40.00 4/8/2011
"Great work Aaron! "
Abby Koepfle  gave  4/8/2011
"Good luck Aaron!!"
Kathy & Bill Ponko  gave $120.00 4/8/2011
"Congratulations to all the good work and local champions we have in our community. Boy's and Girl's Club and the FCC are wonderful agencies that make our Michiana a better place to live. I know Aaron - he is a most caring, enthusiastic, involved big kid and a wonderful young man. And, Brie, you seem a great young lady on the move to expanding your life with many opportunities!!! "
Amy Fenolia  gave $40.00 4/7/2011
"Awesome video Aaron...good luck with the fundraising!"
Anonymous  gave  4/7/2011
"I have known Aaron his entire life. He is "the biggest kid" in town!!"
Andrew Wilson  gave $120.00 4/7/2011
"Andy, Alicia, and Jeevis vote A. Perri for Greatest Big Kid. He's always been an Uncle to us!"
Laura O'Sullivan  gave  4/7/2011
"Good luck, Aaron!"
Rob Whittle  gave $40.00 4/7/2011
"You rock AP!"
Clinton Squadroni  gave $40.00 4/7/2011
"Very noble task, Aaron! Good luck on hitting your goal!"
Amy E. Hill  gave $40.00 4/7/2011
"Keep up the great work!"
Anonymous  gave $40.00 4/7/2011
"You had me at "Uh-Oh"! Good luck! AJ and Jeff"
Stephanie Nemeth  gave $40.00 4/6/2011
"Awesome thing you are doing Aaron! Glad to help out in a small way."
Erin Busch  gave $40.00 4/6/2011
"Good luck and thanks for all you do for South Bend!!!"
Edgar Diaz  gave  4/6/2011
"This campaign is brilliant! The video, the 11 friends for 11 days - where do you come up with this stuff Aaron?"
Julie Dinolfo Kister  gave  4/6/2011
"Good luck to a great ND Saxophone."
Bridget Keating  gave $40.00 4/5/2011
"Aaron - Your energy and talent never cease to amaze me - thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us. Good luck!"
Colleen Bormann  gave  4/5/2011
"Aaron, I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished! Keep up the good work! Colls"
Megan Frisk  gave $40.00 4/5/2011
"Nice work, Aaron! Best of luck!"
Andrew J Hoffmann  gave $40.00 4/4/2011
"Thanks for all you do, Aaron! Good luck!"
Lizette Romero  gave $40.00 4/4/2011
"Love it! Good Luck!"
Carlene Reust  gave  4/4/2011
"This comment is going to be from "Carlene" since that's the name on my CC, isn't it? Shoot. Best of luck Aaron--"great big kid" is an apt description indeed! --Ranger Reust"
Maureen Warter  gave $40.00 4/4/2011
"Good Luck AP!! "
Kari Jenkins Mansour  gave $40.00 4/3/2011
"What a great big kid! Way to go, Aaron!"
Jennifer Kelly  gave $40.00 4/3/2011
"We are so happy to support you in this endeavor. Good luck Aaron! "
Anneliese Woolford  gave  4/3/2011
"The spaghetti sealed my vote! (haha, kidding.) Good luck Aaron!"
Melissa Yvonne Zavala  gave $80.00 4/3/2011
"You most certainly are the greatest big kid in town!!! :) Love ya! ~Mark and Melissa Zavala"
Derek Vollmer  gave  4/3/2011
"Great job, Perri!"
Kathy Gallagher  gave $40.00 4/2/2011
"When I first met you in the 8th grade I knew you were someone special. Now I know how RIGHT I was! Way to go Aaron, one special person helping others to become just as special as you are! "
Lynn Handley  gave $40.00 4/2/2011
"Great Job and Good Luck to you!!!!!"
Anne M Housemeyer  gave $40.00 4/2/2011
"You are a great role model for kids. We're happy to support you in your fundraising efforts. Kevin & Anne Housemeyer"
Matthew Money  gave $40.00 4/2/2011
"Just glad you're not dancing!"
Jennifer Gallant  gave $40.00 4/2/2011
"Great job Aaron! I feel privilaged to donate!! "
Lynette Paczkowski  gave $40.00 4/2/2011
"Great job, Aaron! Thanks for making a difference."
Jennifer Andert  gave $40.00 4/1/2011
"Really awesome work Aaron! Super impressive! Good luck kiddo :) "
David Matthews  gave $80.00 4/1/2011
"Good work supporting a great cause!"
Mark and Liddy Strus  gave $40.00 4/1/2011
"Good luck Aaron. You'd better win!"
William Phillip Helman  gave $40.00 4/1/2011
"While you may no longer be making brie sandwiches, you are making a difference in our home town!"
Teresa Homan  gave $80.00 4/1/2011
"Aaron, this is so "you"---I know you're the bestest "Big Kid" I know!"
Katherine Strom  gave $40.00 4/1/2011
"Good luck Aaron, you're awesome! And I love the video!"
David Willson  gave $40.00 4/1/2011
"Good stuff buddy! Proud to see the great things you are doing."
Michael Charbonneau  gave $80.00 4/1/2011
"You're a good man AP. - the Charbs"
Lindahl Wiegand  gave $40.00 4/1/2011
"Aaron for President!"
Philip Lammers  gave $50.00 3/30/2011
"Great video, and great organization! Good luck!"
Anonymous  gave  3/26/2011
"Go get 'em Aaron!"
Lauren McLennan  gave  3/26/2011
Larry Moore E Moore  gave $40.00 3/26/2011
"Aaron is a great leader with outstanding management skills and wonderful with people. His care and involvement with the community shows his true character. "
Carole L Coffin  gave $40.00 3/24/2011
"Aaron, Thanks for all you do for the kids in our community. If you can put spagetti on your head, the least I can do is help you toward your goal. All my best. Carole"
Anjana Gupta  gave $80.00 3/23/2011
"Boys and Girls Club is awesome. So happy to have friends that do such good things for our community. Go Aaron Perri!!!"
Cassandra M Kline  gave  3/23/2011
"Aaron, What a great video, message and service. I am proud to support you in this cause and knowing you are an EMBA grad just adds to the fun! Great job! Cassie Kline"
Corey Angst  gave $40.00 3/23/2011
"Very clever video and a great cause!"
Marc Burdell  gave $40.00 3/23/2011
"Aaron, Great job! Thanks for all you do. Marc"
Kelly Ball  gave  3/23/2011
"Way to go Aaron. Another amazing thing you're involved with - good luck!!"
Gavin Ferlic  gave $80.00 3/22/2011
"Best of luck Aaron!"
Edgar Diaz  gave  3/22/2011
"Aaron is not only the Greatest Big Kid in Town, he's also one of the coolest!"
Kimber Abair  gave  3/22/2011
"Best of luck, Aaron! A great cause for a great person!"
Jory Fitzgerald  gave $40.00 3/22/2011
"Hey, anyone willing to dump an entire bowl of pasta on his head gets my vote! Thank you, Aaron, for mentoring Aubrei and advocating for the children in our community. We are so lucky to have you on our team!!!"
Krista & Adam Parin  gave $100.00 3/22/2011
"You rock, Aaaron!"
Anonymous  gave  3/22/2011
"Great job Aaron! Please remain a good kid forever. good luck. F "
Patrick and Patti Perri  gave $120.00 3/22/2011
"Aaron is OUR GREAT BIG KID! We can vouch for those big kid photos. Love, mom & pop"
Brian Collier  gave $100.79 3/22/2011
"Aaron Perri is a great kid!"
Logan Anderson  gave  3/22/2011
"Good luck Perri!"
Kyle E. Chamberlin  gave  3/22/2011
"Where does this man get all his energy?"
Noah Davey  gave $40.00 3/18/2011
"I witnessed this BIG kid personally out and about last week and therfore must support his efforts!"
Jack & Mary Strom  gave  3/9/2011
"Great Big Kids are special for helping Great Little Kids, and you, Aaron, are the most special of all!!!"
Garrett Gingerich  gave  3/4/2011
"Hands down--The greatest big kid I know!"