Aaron Perri's Story
I have had the privilege of partnering with numerous non-profit organizations across this community. The thing I like the most about supporting programs like the Boys and Girls Club is the opportunity to directly impact a future generation. To make a difference in a young person’s life is like nothing else I have ever experienced. I have seen lives filled with animosity, apathy and hopelessness transform into lives of ambition, esteem, and success. I firmly believe that most, if not all, of the problems we face in our community can be solved in one generation’s time if we each seized the opportunity to whole-heartedly educate, train, and share experiences with the youth around us. This is not just about formal education, it’s about life-skills, manners, and social responsibility. It’s about encouragement, ingenuity, and exposure to new thoughts and ideas. It is about instilling a passion for our community, love, faith, and service. It’s about creating the world we want to see. We cannot count on teachers, parents, churches or programs alone – it is our collective responsibility.
Anyhow...to the left is a picture of myself and Aubrei...better known as Brei. She is in 8th grade and super involved at her school with sports and other activities. I look forward to sharing stories about her and our time together over the next few months.
Update: Brei came to Legends yesterday where we got to work on making a video that I plan on sharing with everyone VERY soon. You're going to love what we put together. Also, we talked about her Youth of the Year speech and did a little tour of my work...I think she was impressed with the place. I can tell you, I am impressed with her. As we're having conversations, sometimes I have to remind myself that Brei is only 13...she is very insightful and bright.
Check out the video we made here: