Rick Rice - The Biggest Big Kid in the Bend
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Vote Big, Vote Now, Vote for Rickey!

Fundraising Amount=$5,230.00 ; Goal=$10,000.00
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Please join me in supporting Boys & Girls Club
and help me become the Greatest Big Kid in town!
See my story below...

40 vote for a Great Big Kid =
Year membership for a child at Boys & Girls Club. 
Vote above by using "Click here to donate".

Want to join in the fun? 
Click here for tickets.
The Greatest Big Kid will be announced at the
Youth of the Year Dinner.
Friday, April 15, 2011 at 6:00 pm
Gillespie Conference Center

For sponsorship details please contact
Event manager 
Ashley Farrell or call 574-855-5852.

What is a Great Big Kid?





My Great Big Kid story...


Vote BIG….Vote for RICKEY

Rick Rice is the President and CEO of Teachers Credit Union.  Over the years while working at TCU, Rick’s focus has included education and community support, which ties closely to the Mission of the Boys and Girls Club; to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.

Rick says; Kids are the future. Individuals and the community need to focus on the development of our youth. The Boys and Girls Clubs programs help young people face the difficult challenges presented to them on a daily basis. At the Club, young people can find relief from every day pressures and experience programs that help develop their mind, body and spirit and become productive, positive members of the community.

At the Credit Union, Rick is very aware of the economic hardships facing so many people in our community right now and says that when asked to participate in the Greatest Big Kid Campaign, he felt now is the time to step up, help raise money for the Club and also be a mentor to one of the Youth of the Year candidates.  This is the professional Rick Rice. 

Rick Rice is also a Great Big Kid; just ask those closest to him! Who loves chocolate, candy or hot fudge sundaes more than Rick Rice?  And who is grandson Alex’s favorite playmate?  Or, just ask Rick for his trademark impersonation of a monkey.  Besides the fact that at a fairly young age, Rick is getting ready to retire from Teachers Credit Union in June, so that he has even more time to be a Great Big Kid!

Rick Rice believes the Club is a positive place for kids and is stepping up to the plate to help raise awareness and money for the Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Joseph County. Please help this Big Kid by giving your pledge to help keep the Boys and Girls Clubs doing the necessary work they do every day.

Vote BIG….Vote for RICKEY

Rick recently spent the day with his Youth of the Year Candidate, Curtis Anderson.  We think Curtis was amazed at what a Big Kid his "mentor" really is.  Watch the video and you'll know how to cast your vote!

Watch his video at http://www.youtube.com/tcunet

Donors and Comments

Bert Kriegh  gave  4/15/2011
"Rick, Thanks for making a difference!!"
Juliann Jankowski  gave $40.00 4/15/2011
"Thanks for everything you have done for the youth of our community, Rick! You have truly made a difference in the lives of so many children. Thanks for your inspiration and leadership! "
Steve C Watts  gave  4/15/2011
"Always a great leader in our community, but this may be one of your best efforts. Thanks for your leadership and being a Great Big Kid."
Shirley K Golichowski  gave  4/13/2011
"You have always been "The Biggest Big Kid". You will be missed at TCU, have a great retirement!"
Tommy Lee  gave  4/13/2011
"Rick is the biggest big kid in the bend, he is a mentor, role model and outstanding asset to the community."
Panayotis Xouris  gave $80.00 4/12/2011
"Good job! I am proud of you!"
Mark D Noeldner  gave  4/12/2011
"There is nothing wrong with being a kid! Mark"
KURT WARNER  gave $40.00 4/11/2011
"That was a great video. I had to watch it a couple of times. Good Luck! Kurt & Mary Warner"
Joe Fragomeni  gave $80.00 4/7/2011
Anselm Bruce Burkart  gave $120.00 4/6/2011
"Sorry I could not get to this sooner, Rick....I just got back from a 2 week vac. in Fla...back to reality. See you on the course. Kind regards, Bruce"
Mark McDonnell  gave  3/31/2011
"I like that picture of the gorilla in the bow tie!"
Dale J Strzelecki  gave  3/31/2011
"Go "Little Rickey"..."
Valerie M Miller  gave $80.00 3/31/2011
Robert L Kloska  gave $40.00 3/29/2011
"Thanks for all you do in this community, Rick. From your friends at HOLY CROSS COLLEGE!"
William J DeLuca  gave $40.00 3/28/2011
"Great Video Rick!"
Jacquelyn S Hilderbrandt  gave $480.00 3/25/2011
"Rick, On behalf of MPA Architects, Dean and I hope you have your dream fulfilled of being selected as The Biggest Big Kid. With all sincerity, you have made our community so much better! Thanks! Jackie Hilderbrandt Dean Bergeman"
MARK DOBSON  gave  3/25/2011
"Rick -- Great Work! Time & Effort put in the most important place. Big kids can't tend bar though... Mark"
Gregory A Danner  gave  3/23/2011
"Great cause, Curtis was outstanding in the video. So we can call you Rickey now?"
Jim Unrue  gave $50.00 3/23/2011
"Good Luck -- this looks like a great cause. Jim Unrue"
Jory Fitzgerald  gave $40.00 3/22/2011
"So much fun watching you and Curtis at work! Your video is terrific. Thank you, Rick, for all you do for our community and to support the Boys & Girls Club mission."
MARY H PELLOW  gave $40.00 3/22/2011
"I've worked with Rick for almost 40 years and both of us are now in our 60's wondering how time could fly this fast!!! This was SO worth $40 just to see him enjoying his second childhood skipping down the street.....really, really funny!!!!"
Becky Summers  gave $80.00 3/21/2011
"Good luck, Rick! Your video is fantastic! Becky and Gary"
Patrick Laake  gave $80.00 3/21/2011
"Rick: Thanks for supporting a worthy cause! Looks like your having fun playing the "Biggest Big Kid" too! Count on two votes from Pat and Cathy Laake!"
Anonymous  gave  3/21/2011
"Good Luck Rick!!! We are all big kids at heart."
Anne M Feferman  gave $15.00 3/21/2011
"It's worth the donation just to see "Rickey" skipping down the sidewalk and Curtis wearing a red bow tie!"
Waylon Peterson  gave $40.00 3/21/2011
"Rick, Patty and TCU care deeply about children and our communities we serve. Thanks for your strong and consistent support and dedication. You have always led by example!!!"
Rebecca J Bonham  gave  3/20/2011
"Way to go, Rick. I always knew you were a great big kid!! Becky Bonham"
Steve and Beth Staszewski  gave $100.00 3/11/2011
"Good Luck Rick! "